Israel Canada - Barak Rosen - NEWS1

Israel Canada’s Revenue Jump by 136% | News1

As reported by News1, Israel Canada’s revenue from January to September 2022 was 1.27 billion shekels – a jump of 136.2% compared to the corresponding period last year when the revenue was 540 million shekels. Since the beginning of the year, the company has sold 372 apartments for a total amount of approximately NIS 1.8 billion. In the same period last year, the company sold 281 apartments for a total amount of about one billion shekels.

The equity capital of Israel Canada in the sum of the first nine months of 2022 amounted to approximately NIS 2.93 billion. This is compared to equity of approximately NIS 2.45 billion recorded at the end of 2021 – an increase of 19.5%.

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